She is taking orders from the customers. - 그녀는 주문을 받고 있다 손님으로부터
-> She is taking the customer's orders. (- more natural )
The customer is ordering set A. - 손님이 주문하고 있다 세트 A를
How does the woman want her eggs? - 여자는 그녀의 계란을 어떻게 해주길 원해?
She wants a fried egg.
She want her eggs sunny-side up.
She wants them (to be) sunny side up. (The woman wants her eggs to be sunny side up)
-> 그녀는 원한다 계란 후라이를 (sunny-side up 음... 계란을 어떻게 요리할지 종류 느낌)
Eggs 101 - Martin's Famous Potato Rolls and Bread
How well do you know the various egg preparation methods (e.g., scrambled, fried, poached)? Fine-tune your culinary skills with our Complete Guide to Eggs!
=> How would you like your eggs?
=> Sunny side up, please.
=> over-easy
=> poached(반숙..❤)
=> scrambled
그는 제한한다 치즈케이크를
-> He suggests having/eating cheese cake.
-> He suggests that they eat cheese cake.
-> He suggests cheesecake for dessert.
* refuse - 거절하다 ( == reject - 거부하다)
Why can’t the woman eat nuts? - 왜 여자는 할 수 없어 먹는 거 견과류를?
- 그녀는 견과류 알레르기가 있다.
She is allergic to nuts.
She has a nut allergy.
I'm not allergic to anything. - 나는 어떠한 알레르기도 없다.
* allergic - 알레르기의 (형용사)
* allergy - 알레르기 (명사)
* starter ( == appetizer) 코스요리 첫 느낌
* dairy products - 유제품
* ridiculous - 말도 안 되는 ( == totally crazy 완전히 미친 거임 느낌이 같은 거임)
It's the biggest problem in all developed democratic countries right now.
- 그것은 가장 큰 문제이다 모든 민주주의 국가들의 지금.
democracy relies on stability.
- 민주주의는 안전에 의존한다.
* rely on - 의지하다 ( == need)
It's for everyone, but I drink most of it. - 그것은 모두를 위한 것이다 그러나 나는 마신다 대부분의 그것을. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
나는 축복받은 것 같다.
I think I'm blessed.
I think it's a blessing.
I’d rather have Set A. - 나는 차라리 A세트가 더 나을 거 같아.
Yeah, I agree with you. I can't give up the cheesecake which is my favorite dessert in Set A.
- 나도 동의해. 나는 포기할 수 없어 치즈케이크를 내가 가장 좋아하는 디저트인 세트 A에 있는
Would you like almond cheesecake for dessert? - 디저트로 아몬드 치즈케이크 드시겠습니까?
Of course. But I love pretty much most( == pretty much) dessert as well as almond cheesecake.
- 당연하지. 그러나 나는 아몬드 치즈 케이크뿐만 아니라 대부분의 디저트를 꽤 좋아합니다.
=> Of course. But I love pretty much all desserts as well as almond cheesecake.
( == But I love most desserts)
When you eat out, what do you like to order? - 외식을 할 때 무엇을 주문할 거야?
- If I go to the 김밥천국, I will order to 라볶이 and 참치 김밥. It's lunch time now so I'm sooooooooo hungry..
When you eat out, do you like to have an alcoholic beverage with your meal?
- 외식을 할 때 너는 좋아하니 음주를 식사와 함께?
-> No, I don't. Of course I like alcoholic beverage but if it isn't a bar, I don't drink.
=> Of course I like alcoholic beverages . . . (하나를 딱 지칭해서 좋아하는 게 아니니까!!!!!)
When you eat out, do you usually have some sort of dessert after your meal?
- 외식할 때 너는 보통 디저트를 먹어 식사 후에?
-> If I have a lot of money, I usually have some sort of dessert after I meal. :0....
=> I usually have some sort of dessert after I have a meal.
* meal == 식사 == 명사
I don't have any food allergies. - 나는 가지고 있지 않아 어떤 음식 알레르기를.