
오늘의 영어

최애뎡 2021. 9. 6. 23:39

We have to take another way. - 우리 다른 길로 가야해.

-> Okay. Don't worry. I know a shortcut~ I'll go ASAP!

=> I know the shortcut. We'll be there in a minute. (금방 도착할거야!)


Could you drop me off at the subway station? - 지하철역에서 내려주실래요?

-> Sure. We are arriving in 3 minutes.

or => We'll be there in three mins.


How much is the fare? - 요금이 얼마에요?

-> It's $11.30. By the way, Do you have a smalll bill? I don't have change..

=> Do you have small bills/changes? -> 잔돈 (작은 단위)있나요?


Do you own a car? - 너 명의로 된 차 있어?

- Yes, I do. I have my own car. It's so beloved. 

-> It's so beloved. - 내차는 나에게 사랑을 받는다라는 의미 => I care too much about my car.


Do you take the subway? When? - 지하철 타니? 언제?

When I want to walk or on snowy day, I take the subway.

or => I take the subway when it snows or when I want to walk.

[ 어 순 ] 


When do you use a taxi? Why? - 언제 택시를 타니? 왜?

When It's so tough day, I use a taxi. Because tough....

=> I usually take a taxi when I'm having a hard time. Because my body is tired./ Because I feel tired.


Do you like using public transportation? Why? - 대중교통 이용하는거 좋아해? 왜?

No, I don't. Because I don't want to stuck in the subway with a lot of people, especially in summer.

or =>  No, I don't. or No, I don't really like taking the subway. I don't want to be stuck in the subway with a lot of/ many people.


'영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

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