오늘의 영어
He suggests her to buy some vegetable.
-> He suggests her to buy some vegetableS (some + s)
Of cource. Wow there are so many peaches look delicious. Whatever you choose, it will delicous.
-> Wow, there are ~~~~~ Whatever you choose, it will be delicious.
It is time to think about my health. -> 슬슬 건강 생각하긴 해야해..
When I was first grade in highschool
-> When I was in first grade at high school
I go shopping for groceries for once a month. Because I don't have much time, + 한번 살때 엄청 많이 사!
-> I go shopping for groceries at HP. I go shopping for groceries once a month. I buy a lot at once when I go to the grocery store. (평상시에 하는거 == 현재형)
No, I don't. I effort to eat healthy food. But, It it so hard.
-> 나는 건강한 음식을 먹으려고 노력은 한다.
-> I make an effort to eat healthy food. or I am trying to eat healthy food. ~하려고 한다. effort 노력 noun
My favorite vegetable is watermelon. But I don't like summer....Becaues it is so humid and hot.
I like the watermelon the most/ the best. Watermelon comes out in the summer. (중간이 내용이 너무 없어서 문장이 자연스럽게 연결이 안됬다..)
I am going to study with my friends.
be going to Verb : planned future
집에오면, I study from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
-> Once I get home, I study programming ~~~~~~.
-> Once you are ready, please let know me.
-> ~하면 == Once + ~~
I (normally == usually) sleep for about(약) 6-7 hrs.
* sleep for a while 잠깐 자다.
cut in the line - 끼어들다. 새치기하다.
I am angry at bad drivers
-be angry at someone
-be angry with something
grocery store - 식료품 점
super market
Mart -> 콩글리쉬...
Watch out. = Look out ! / to warn someone
be in a hurry.
be in a rush. (rush hour - 혼잡한 시간)
hurry up!
I wasn't paying attention to it. - 그것에 주의를 기울이지 않았다.
Pay attention to me! - 나에게 집중해!
on purpose == intentionally == by intention. - 의도적으로
I didn't expect you to come here. -여기 올 줄은 몰랐어요.
Netflix helps me (to - X) study English.
help O O.C(VR동사원형)
ask O to V O에게 V하도록 요구하다
sarcastic way - 비꼬는 방법 (진짜 꼬는거 말고 말을 비꼬는 ㅋㅋ)
Why don't you/we V.R ~?
= How about (preposition전치사 + noun /Ving)
How about buying some of these?
healthy food
adj noun
a(x) + dinner / breakfast / lunch
be in season
Watermelon is in season these days. - 요즘 수박이 제철입니다.
He recommends some fruits to her. = He recommends her for some fruits.
She was surprised to hit the cart.
The woman is sorry about NOT paying attention.
I am sorry about cutting in the line.